Sono 31 le persone – tra cui donne, uomini e bambini – soccorse questa mattina dalla Geo Barents, nave di ricerca e soccorso di Medici Senza Frontiere. Un terzo di loro sono minori, di cui la metà minori non accompagnati. Le autorità italiane hanno assegnato il porto di Bari come luogo di sbarco. La notizia è stata diffusa da MSF.
In the morning of 04 September 2023, MSF team on board of Geo Barents conducted a rescue for a group of 31 people who were found in distress on an unseaworthy rubber boat in the Libyan SAR region. Children make about a third of the group, and more than half of them are unaccompanied. The rescue went smoothly and the 31 survivors are safe and receiving the needed attention. The initial alert about this boat came from Alarm Phone.
In the morning of 04 September 2023, MSF team on board of Geo Barents conducted a rescue for a group of 31 people who were found in distress on an unseaworthy rubber boat in the Libyan SAR region. Children make about a third of the group, and more than half of them are unaccompanied. The rescue went smoothly and the 31 survivors are safe and receiving the needed attention. The initial alert about this boat came from Alarm Phone.
In the morning of 04 September 2023, MSF team on board of Geo Barents conducted a rescue for a group of 31 people who were found in distress on an unseaworthy rubber boat in the Libyan SAR region. Children make about a third of the group, and more than half of them are unaccompanied. The rescue went smoothly and the 31 survivors are safe and receiving the needed attention. The initial alert about this boat came from Alarm Phone.
In the morning of 04 September 2023, MSF team on board of Geo Barents conducted a rescue for a group of 31 people who were found in distress on an unseaworthy rubber boat in the Libyan SAR region. Children make about a third of the group, and more than half of them are unaccompanied. The rescue went smoothly and the 31 survivors are safe and receiving the needed attention. The initial alert about this boat came from Alarm Phone.
In the morning of 04 September 2023, MSF team on board of Geo Barents conducted a rescue for a group of 31 people who were found in distress on an unseaworthy rubber boat in the Libyan SAR region. Children make about a third of the group, and more than half of them are unaccompanied. The rescue went smoothly and the 31 survivors are safe and receiving the needed attention. The initial alert about this boat came from Alarm Phone.